Netflix's 'Easy': Love, sex, and everything in between that ails the modern soul

Love, romance and sex have been commodified to a great extent, especially concepts surrounding these fields. While there's our enthusiasm to swipe left and right on Tinder/Happn/Bumble, there's also the 'clever' bio that says: 'I am willing to lie about where we met'. There is much of what society offers that we've rebelled against, yet it is almost entirely impossible to be atheistic of it. This makes our lives complex, not because there are physical manifestations of our issues (sometimes there are), but mostly it is the conversations we have in our own minds that are taxing. We're navigating a nebulous spectrum of finding love and sex and most of it is grey; adding to this is also our love for independence, quest for a calling, and our insecurities with ageing.

Read the review of Netflix's original show, 'Easy' 


Vishnupriya Bhandaram