Vishnupriya Bhandaram

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I’ve given you the power. Do with it what you will.

I love myself enough to not be obliterated or lost. You know that, right?

Pain is a different matter altogether.

Usually, I would beat myself up over the overshare, the unnecessary confession, making its way out of my lips without permission.

I’ve given you the power, I cannot take it back. It felt oddly liberating.

I think I can protect myself from whatever comes my way, but by how much, you ask? I don’t know.

I am tough. I have practised enough. You know that, right?

It’s done now. It’s out there.

I guess I am brave enough to face the consequences.

Hurt is a different matter altogether.

Second thoughts are coming through, my gut is screaming at me.

Why did I do it? Why couldn’t I just shut the hell up?

Why don’t I feel liberated anymore?

There’s a heavy boulder dangling from a loosely standing cliff. All of its weight, when it falls on me, will leave me breathless, helpless, and sinking into the burning sand.

I’ve given you the power. Now, there’s not much I can do.