Vishnupriya Bhandaram

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An Australian Agri Tech Firm Increased Customer Service Turnaround Speed By 586%

The collective imagery around agriculture and farming includes a farmer, a piece of land, and grain. Well, there is a lot more to it. For example, farmers need to turn to grain marketing, logistics and contract management, once a crop is harvested. Digitised grain record-keeping enables farmers to not only safeguard their income but achieve business goals. AgriDigital, an Australia-based grain supply-chain innovator, helps farmers, bulk handlers, and traders manage their grain and related workflows. And to be able to do this, robust internal workflows of their own are key! Just to put things in perspective, AgriDigital is a fast-growing digital platform that has garnered $7bn worth of transactions already and has over 9.5K users. 

I spoke to Shilpa Gupta, Infrastructure Engineer, at AgriDigital, to know how Appsmith enabled the different departments in AgriDigital with internal tooling solutions. 

Read the case study here.